Benefits of Telemedicine for Healthcare Organizations

Achieving the triple aim - Improve patient outcomes. Increase access to care. Lowers costs.

Over the past few years, telemedicine has proven to be a major innovation in how we think about and deliver genetic health services. Patients love it because it saves them time and allows them to access top-quality care from anywhere in the world. Health care organizations embrace it because it increases their genetic services and capacity, opens up new revenue streams, and can improve patient outcomes. Read on to learn more about the specific benefits of telemedicine as a platform for genetic services.

Cost Savings

Both health systems and patients can benefit from telemedicine’s lower cost of delivery. With it, clinics don’t need to invest in additional office space or new equipment in order to provide genetic health care services. On-call services and overflow coverage can be provided at a fraction of the cost without sacrificing quality of care. Because of the lower up-front and overhead costs involved, organizations can realize an immediate return on investment.

For patients, telemedicine reduces costs of travel, and potentially having to take off work or find child care. Typically patients have to travel long distances to see a specialty physician in person. Often times patients are blind sided by the large co-pay they are required to pay when seeing a geneticist. Although we do not accept insurance, our prices are transparent and many insurance companies provide reimbursement for our services.


Another advantage of telemedicine is that it reduces the amount of travel and wait time required to access specialized services. This is particularly useful in rural areas, where a trip to a genetic health specialist can involve lengthy drives, taking time off work and other expenses. By improving accessibility, telemedicine can help ensure patients get the treatment they need to live a healthier, happier life.

Atwal Clinic works with clinics and hospitals of all sizes to offer professional genetic services and treatment via telemedicine. To learn more about the specific benefits telemedicine can offer you, contact us today by phone or email.


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