Finger Splints and Hyperextension

Hypermobile patients often struggle with joint pain and soreness in their hands and fingers. Finger splints can be used as a means of minimizing pain and preventing future hyperextension.

Hyperextension of a finger joint beyond the neutral position may result in a painful joint, decreased power when pinching and a delay in being able to bend the finger. Without stabilizing or “blocking” the hyperextension, the deformity can become progressively worse. In addition to looking very abnormal, severe hyperextension can ultimately result in a loss of function because the joint becomes “stuck” in the hyper-extended position.

Note: When considering splints, consider being evaluated by a therapist or other healthcare professional who specializes in treating finger problems and who can give advice on the best splint solutions.

Splint used For MP Hyperextension

Use the SIRISTM EDS Splint to correct hyperextension of the MP joints without blocking flexion. Typically only one EDS Splint located on the middle finger is needed. With the splint centrally located it can help block all fingers from hyperextending during most activities. If needed the EDS Splint can be worn on adjacent fingers. If the little finger MP is hyperextending and/or dislocating you may also want to look at the 2 1⁄2 Buddy Ring to control MP movement.

Swan Neck Splint used For Mild to Moderate Hyperextension

Use the SIRISTM Swan Neck Splint for mild to moderate hyperextension (less than 20 degrees) of the PIP or DIP joint. Worn on the finger or the thumb, the SIRISTM Swan Neck Splint blocks hyperextension without limiting the joint’s full range of motion. Both proximal and distal portions of the splint are individually sized and elliptically shaped for an exact fit.

Boutonniere Splint used For Severe Hyperextension

Use the SIRISTM Boutonniere Splint for more severe hyperextension (greater than 20 degrees) or when subluxation of the joint is occurring. This splint is worn with the oval spacer under the joint to block hyperextension while allowing full flexion. It positions the two rings farther from the joint for better leverage at a more comfortable angle.


Podcast “Getting Familiar With Clinical Genomic Medicine And Hypermobility Disorders With Dr. Paldeep Atwal”


Getting Familiar With Clinical Genomic Medicine and Hypermobility Disorders