
What is Telegenetics?

Telegenetics is the practice of delivering genetic health care remotely. As genetic testing and genomic data become more and more readily available, the need to educate the healthcare workforce, patients, their family members, and the general public about genetics will continually grow. There are currently significant challenges regarding access to clinical geneticists because of the small number of genetic providers and their location typically being in academic health centers. Telegenetics reduces barriers and improves patient access to genetic services with high levels of patient satisfaction. Telegenetics leverages advancements in communications technology to make quality genetic care available to nearly everyone.

How does Telegenetics work?

The process is nearly identical to receiving face-to-face care and most individuals are quite comfortable receiving care via telemedicine. Telemedicine can be used to provide care to nearly every individual’s unique presentation. Our physicians value a team-based approach and communicate with patients’ other providers to ensure the best care possible. Our philosophy stresses overall well-being and we are fully qualified to prescribe medication.

From a health care organization’s perspective, providing care to your clients via telegenetics is also remarkably similar to providing in-person care. Our clinicians become a part of your medical team, and we can seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow.

Benefits of Telegenetics for Patients

Patients get access to top-quality genetic health care while staying close to home, which saves them both money and time. It is particularly useful for rural residents who would otherwise have to drive hours to find a qualified professional. Also, many individuals find it easier to open up when communicating over telemedicine.

Benefits of Telegenetics for Health Care Organizations

For clinics, the benefits of telegenetics are clear: increase the genetic services available to the community, and increase revenue while reducing costs. By providing genomic health services close to home, patients can get the care they need, when they need it. This creates an additional revenue stream and leads to less of a need for disruptive (and costly) interventions such as inpatient hospitalizations. Ultimately, this leads to better patient outcomes and quality of life — which is our top goal!


Preparing for a Telemedicine Visit


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